Artisan-made products from Kashmir

About floraison

Merriam-Webster defines “floraison” (pronounced flo·​rai·​son | \ flȯrāzōⁿ \) as FLOWERING, BLOSSOMING

We took inspiration for Floraison as our company name and our logo from the exquisite beauty of nature with its array of colors. Everywhere you look—life is in bloom. Floraison draws inspiration from having seen the passion my mother had for her business venture in India, which subsequently blossomed into a full blown idea for an online business inspired by my deep connection with the Kashmir Valley in India. Watching my mother turn her ideas into a successful boutique fashion retailer gave me the desire and the confidence to continue her legacy. A few years ago, my connection with the Kashmir Valley was rekindled after reconnecting with a former classmate from Kashmir University.

The ongoing conflict in Kashmir has impacted the lives of artisans and craft makers throughout the region. Our mission is to bring you artisan-made products from Kashmir handcrafted with care, precision, and high quality materials. As the world continues to move towards globalization, every purchase made will ensure the Kashmiri artisan community is recognized for their craftsmanship with fair, sustainable wages. In doing so, we pledge to give 10% of all proceeds to invest in community development programs and economic opportunities for artisans throughout Kashmir.

Artisan-made products from Kashmir handcrafted with care, precision, and high quality materials.